selbs's Profile

  • May 28, 2006
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Latest comments made by: selbs

  • seriously now, what a bunch of iDiots up here.. it's only a marketing campaign, whats the fuss all about? after all, YOU ARE NOT WHAT YOU BUY Don't go cheer for apple, or m$, or sandisk, or whoever, start reasoning what serves you best. I'm a PC/Windows user, why? because it suits me Does that make me a MS loyalist? i have an Apple Cinema Display, why? because itsa great display Does that make me an Apple fan boy? it's all about pros/cons no matter what image they try to push you This was a very rational article, and no one should say otherwise
    selbs had this to say on May 26, 2006 Posts: 1
    When Is It Okay to Insult iPod Users?