MartynIV's Profile

  • Oct 26, 2006
  • 1
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Latest comments made by: MartynIV

  • Two things. Wish Lists: 1. Create a new playlist called Wish List. 2. In the iTunes Store drag songs you would like to purchase (or think about purchasing) to the Wish List playlist. DRM Format If you don't like DRM, then buy CDs. But consider this. Before you bought music on CDs you bought music on tapes. You can't play the tape on a CD player and you can't play a CD on a Walkman. Before you bought DVDs you bought videos on VHS. If you buy a movie on HD-DVD tomorrow, it's not going to work on your Blue-Ray Player. When you buy Microsoft Office, it only works on a few operating systems. Those still using Office '98 are left out in the cold when we switch to Mac OS X and/or Vista. Bottom Line...this is a systemic problem only being understood and wrestled with thanks to the original p2p filesharing sites.
    MartynIV had this to say on Oct 26, 2006 Posts: 1
    6 Things I Would Change in the iTunes Store