Unreal: Apple Officially Supports Windows with Bootcamp

by Hadley Stern Apr 05, 2006

I still can’t quite fully believe this, but it is true. Apple now supports dual-booting. The implications here are mind-boggling. Apple now sells hardware that it is going to officially allow and support Windows to boot.

Let me repeat that because it is so significant. Apple hardware supports Windows!

Apple link here. I just got a MacBook Pro yesterday, so I’ll try and get this going soon. Does anyone else find this weird? Nay, unsettling? I do.

I think the OS wars are now over.


  • With regards to my imagined situations earlier:

    “However, I don’t use Windows regularly other than that, except for games. This finally lets me use ONE system for all of my computer use.”

    I’m not the only one, apparently.

    When I said that you were an example of the primary market for Boot Camp, I was implying that there was more than one of you.

    It wouldn’t have looked very good to the world for them to rush in claim the prize

    Oh, that would have been totally effin’ shweet.  Jobs himself should have claimed it: “I’ll take that money, beetches!”

    Beeblebrox had this to say on Apr 06, 2006 Posts: 2220
  • When I said that you were an example of the primary market for Boot Camp, I was implying that there was more than one of you.
    Why then criticise me for imagining out loud that other people might be in the same situation?

    Benji had this to say on Apr 06, 2006 Posts: 927
  • Boot Camp opens up a big can of worms on so many different levels.  Will game makers still make games for Macs?  Will some software makers just tell you to “put windows on your machine”?  I’ve been so used to not having to worry about attacks, I don’t even know what Windows users have to deal with anymore.  I’ve been so lucky to be in an all-Mac work community, and haven’t even had to touch a PC in years, bit it looks like Apple may be bringing Windows back into everyone’s home, even mine…

    Jim Caruthers had this to say on Apr 06, 2006 Posts: 13
  • I had a dream that Apple announced at WWDC that the next version of X code contained all the necessary Windows API’s and that it would create a Windows native version of the application with no extra developer work.

    ...wait, that sounds a bit too detailed to have been a dream…

    ...oh shit, it wasn’t! (for the most part): http://news.softpedia.com/news/Interesting-Rumors-About-Leopard-20867.shtml

    Luke Mildenhall-Ward had this to say on Apr 06, 2006 Posts: 299
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