Apple’s (Free) Publicity Machine
Where would Apple be today without the rumor-go-round? Apple seems to have this mass of people who generate much free publicity for Apple. For example:
“Hello, this is Apple. We are going to have a spec…”“iPod Video!”
“No, MacTablet!”
“Intel iBooks!”
“iWork Cells!”
“Can we finish? We are going to have a special event next week to launch some fun new products.”
“Intel Mac mini!”
“Media Center Mac!”
“iTMS with feature length movies!”
And so it goes. The publicity department of Apple just has to open it’s door and there’s a flurry of rumors.
Many ask why Apple doesn’t advertise as much as it could. But really, its got the biggest sales and marketing team in the world, numbering in the millions.
This last week has seen that sales force at its most vociferous in quite some time. The wait for anything video related - be it iPod, iTMS or Media Center - has gotten the Volunteer sales force in such a lather. You’d have to be on Mars to not know that Apple is up to something this week.
In the last few days we’ve seen the usual attempts to fool the Volunteers with an assortment of Photoshopped devices. The Mac Tablet and the iPod video prominent among them, but both clearly bogus. (Although it’s quite possiblle that when the iPod video does finally surface, it will look pretty much exactly like the fake. And won’t the faker be smug.)
And then if all that weren’t entertaining enough, someone’s claimed to be the creator of the fake iPod video photo and released a video showing how it was done. I expect there’s a whole raft of Volunteers who want to believe the “Fake iPod video” is just that, a fake! And those who want to believe it’s the real thing. Confused? Need aspirin? I’m sure sometime soon there’ll even be the “Fake iPod video fake video how-to”. Now even I’m confused!
But publicity is publicity, no matter how confusing.
So, how do you think SJ and his buddies at Apple are enjoying all this? How much has this advertising campaign cost Apple? Nothing! You can’t knock free publicity. Unless you’re in the marketing department. Do you think those guys might be fidgeting in their seats? The Volunteers are doing a great job this time around - and they haven’t upset the legal guys. Apple’s got to be pretty happy with that.
Tuesday morning, the frenzied chatter of the Volunteers peaked in a torrent that flooded the Internet, swamping anyone who dared draw breath around them, with messages of greatness about the new products.
A week is a long time on the internet. The fake iPods and MacTablets are quickly forgotten - although some go back to the forums to say “Nyah, nyah. Told you it was a fake.” But no one is there, they’re all off blogging and forumming about the new Mac mini and iPod Hi-Fi.
Another strange occurrence happens too. Some of the Volunteers have doubts. Talk around the mythical water-cooler of the Internet is in hushed tones (although in some places its more like a roar), about how these new products don’t live up to the pre-event hype. Not that any Volunteers would ever admit they were responsible for any of the hype. That’s the draw back of the Volunteers when they’re on the rumor-go-round, they sort of spoil the surprise and everything becomes a bit anti-climactic.
How must it look from the outside? Even the mainstream media Volunteers. There’s an odd feeling that everyone wants Apple to succeed - but not too much, just enough to make us all believe there’s a real alternative to Microsoft (that doesn’t seem to need Volunteers). The Outsiders must laugh at the antics of the Volunteers - but then be green with jealousy at the effectiveness of their free advertising campaigns.
This year is going to be a long, long one for the Volunteers (and an even longer one for the Outsiders!), with many new or updated products from Apple. The Volunteers are going to be exhausted come year’s end, but they will have earned it, being liberally rewarded by Apple with many fantastic new trinkets and baubles. Oh - and pity the poor Outsiders.
(Thanks to MacRumors, MacShrine and TUAW for providing the sources for the links in this article)
Oh - and pity the poor Outsiders.
Believe me, there are plenty of over-hyped, over-priced products for the Outsiders to enjoy. They don’t need Apple for that.
Apple seems to have this mass of people who generate much free publicity for Apple.
The sort of people, for instance, who hold competitions over guessing the Next Big Thing?
Lol. Nice one, Ben
*pokes Apple Matters*
Although it’s so frustrating because I was one of the few that kept pointing out that the business word translation for “fun” means ‘not very special.’ Yet nobody even noticed and kept talking about new video iPod and… Ugh. It’s one of those huge “I told you so” moments, except everyone just goes, “no you didn’t.” grr
Good to hear, Luke. I’m with you. I’ve been on a few other sites trying to belt some sense into them, saying the only reason they are disappointed is because of their own unreasonable expectations.
Myself I’m real excited. The Mac mini is much more than I expected. I seriously just expected a Mac mini with Intel inside and no extras, except maybe the USB ports and FrontRow. I sure didn’t expect Duo or the extra audio in/out capabilities.
And the iPod Hi-Fi? Not something I’d buy but Apple will probably still sell a truckload.
The leather cases on the other hand… they are gunna gather dust - I reckon.